
Products for New Space

  • Is your infrastructure or service affected by space weather?
  • What can we learn from your mission data about space physics?
  • Starting a space weather mission or service? Get us on board!

Downstream Products for Space Businesses

  • We help you analyse your LEO satellite data and relate it to ionospheric and thermospheric parameters:
    • radio comm and navigation impaired by space plasma
    • radiation and spacecraft charging effects
    • drag effects on orbits due to thermospheric density and winds

Upstream Products for Space Businesses

  • We are the specialists for geomagnetic indices (Kp, Hp60, Hp30, Dst, AE, PC, …) that are used to predict:
    • thermospheric density for orbit prediction, launch, deorbit and reentry, and space debris
    • space radiation models
    • effects on radio communication and navigation
  • Profit from our in-depth know-how in some special areas:
    • Space hazards in polar and auroral regions
    • South Atlantic Anomaly and radiation effects
    • Equatorial regions with their peculiar plasma effects

Products for Businesses affected by Space Weather

  • Dealing with radio communication, positioning, drones, autonomous vehicles, satellite orbit predictions?
  • Relying on geomagnetic indices?

Products for Researchers

  • We support private companies and research institutes with our full portfolio:
    • data analysis
    • consulting
    • software
    • data distribution
  • Long-term cooperation through joint proposals for new research projects.

Products for Geomagnetic Observatories and Magnetometers

  • We accompany, advise and support you in all stages of geomagnetic observations, including
    • planning
    • instrumentation
    • operations
    • calibration
    • quality check
    • data distribution
    • scientific and commercial application
  • Fill in the gaps in your archive and data products:
    • digital and analogue archive data recovery
    • cleaning and calibration of old data to a new quality level
  • Outsource any part of your workflow to us:
    • enjoy our world-class experience
    • profit from our economy of scale
  • We design your software, web pages and web services for data handling and distribution.
  • Discover our experience in operating from the polar region to the equator and on the remotest islands of the planet.

Products for Users of Geomagnetic, Ionospheric and Thermospheric Data and Models

  • We help you find the geomagnetic, ionospheric and thermospheric data you need. Globally.
  • We advise on models of the geomagnetic field, ionosphere, thermosphere.