About us

The Team

Dr. Jürgen Matzka

Geo- and Space Physicist, Founder and Managing Director

Geophysicist with strong operational and scientific background in geomagnetism, observation, space physics and space weather (ORCiD). Multiyear experience in consulting, contract research and commercial applications. As senior scientist at the research center GFZ, Jürgen is responsible for the Kp index, the new Hpo indices, and geomagnetic observatories world-wide. Worked at University Munich, Danish Meteorological Institute and Technical University of Denmark/DTU Space/National Space Institute. PhD from University Munich, Germany. Leomagnetic’s Founder and Managing Director speaks English, German, Danish.

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Dr. Yosuke Yamazaki

Space and Atmospheric Physicist, Freelancer for Leomagnetics

Freelancer for Leomagnetics and our top expert in data analysis. Studies in-situ space environment observations from low-earth-orbiting satellites (wind, density, temperature, plasma parameters) and magnetometer data from ground and space. Prolific scientist (ORCiD). PhD from Kyushu University, Japan. Worked at NCAR, US, Lancaster University, UK, GFZ, Germany and now at IAP Kühlungsborn. Speaks English, Japanese and German.

M.Sc. Ina Rusch

Geophysicist and Leomagnetics’ versatile and energetic IT manager

B.Sc at TUBAF Freiberg and M.Sc. Kiel University, Germany. Spent 15 months in Antarctica supervising geomagnetic and seismological observatories, conducting research campaigns in the field, and keeping servers and IT systems running. Thinks always a few steps ahead. Python programmer, systematic and untiring back end/full stack developer (see example). Speaks English and German.

M. Sc. Marcos Vinicius Siqueira da Silva

Geophysicst, Programmer and Data Specialist, Freelancer for Leomagnetics

Geophysicist, geomagnetic observatory data calibration specialist, and dedicated and efficient programmer. Creates excellent software and documentation. Studied at Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and now scientist at GFZ Potsdam. Provides freelancer services to Leomagnetics. Speaks English and Portuguese.

Our History

Leomagnetics was founded in 2022 to collaborates with academic and industry partners.

Our Expertise

We promote Sustainability

Downstream Sustainability

Space activities provide means to improve life on our planet. With our know-how on the space environment we can help keeping space clean, orbits sustainable and satellites alive.

Geomagnetic surveying methods are used to find minerals and metals. These are key materials that drive the energy transition. Geomagnetism is one of our core competences.

Upstream Sustainability

As a lean company, we have a small footprint. Wind energy fuels our virtual servers and their heat is not wasted, but used. We are enthusiastic about our new photovoltaic system and favor environmental friendly means of transportation. As often, less is more.

As a company with a global approach, we see merit in engaging with local and regional suppliers all over the world. We believe in talent and in empowering people everywhere on our planet.